Arthur "Barney" Maccabe

Barney Maccabe, a UArizona alumnus, is executive director of the Institute for Computation and Data-Enabled Insight (ICDI) and a co-chair of the University's Artificial Intelligence Working Group Steering Committee.
Previously, he was the computer science and mathematics division director at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where he was responsible for fundamental research enabling and enabled by the nation’s leadership class extreme-scale computing capabilities. He also co-authored the initial AI for Science roadmap for the US Department of Energy. Prior to Oak Ridge, Barney spent 26 years teaching computer science at the University of New Mexico, where he also served as director of the UNM Center for High Performance Computing and interim CIO for the university. While in New Mexico, Barney and his students worked closely with Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories; they were instrumental in standing up the first Tera-scale computing system at Sandia.
- BS, Mathematics, The University of Arizona
- MS and PhD, Information and Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology